Muesli – Is it really healthy!

When we think of muesli, we automatically think of something healthy – that’s true, but not always. You can find out here when it is actually beneficial to your health and in which cases you should be careful. 

These healthy ingredients are in organic muesli 

If we take a look at the basic ingredients of organic muesli, we find that they bring many benefits to your body and your psyche. Healthy mueslis contain high-quality ingredients. 

These organic mueslis usually contain oatmeal, nuts and seeds, and organic fruit. In addition, organic mueslis do not always have to be consumed with milk. Milk alternatives such as almond milk, oat milk, and coconut milk are also becoming increasingly popular. 

8am fit muesli with no added sugar – try it now 

Oatmeal belongs in organic muesli 

Oatmeal in organic muesli is absolutely healthy for you. That’s because oatmeal is made up of lots of soluble fiber called beta-glucans. Oat flakes have been shown to lower both blood and cholesterol levels and, due to their swelling in the stomach, lead to a long feeling of satiety. 

The long-chain carbohydrates in oatmeal provide you with energy for many hours by only entering the blood very slowly. As a result, the blood sugar level does not drop again after a very short time and there are no food cravings. 

If you eat vegetarian or vegan, the proportion of 12 grams of protein per 100 grams of oatmeal is extremely good for you to cover your daily protein requirements. 

Not to forget the many vitamins and minerals (e.g., magnesium, phosphorus, or zinc) that are in oatmeal and that strengthen your immune system. 

Nuts in organic muesli 

Due to their healthy fats, nuts are particularly valuable for your organic muesli. These unsaturated fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol and thus prevent clogging of the blood vessels. But that’s not all: the vitamin E it contains reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and antioxidants support the natural immune system. So, organic muesli with nuts is not only recommended for taste. 

Organic fruit & berries in muesli 

Do you eat your organic muesli with berries? Then you are already doing something right. Because berries have an overall antioxidant effect. Blueberries are a great anti-aging agent; strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C and raspberries have many minerals and trace elements. 

Fresh organic fruit provides your body with secondary plant substances that have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, your metabolism and cell structure are promoted by vitamins and minerals. You should definitely integrate these fruity ingredients into your organic muesli for breakfast. 

Seeds in organic muesli 

The crunchy ingredients for your organic muesli. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame and flaxseed – they are all rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, fiber and minerals. 
If you suffer from bladder problems, pumpkin seeds are the best. Just sprinkle them over your cereal to strengthen your bladder. 

Muesli from 8am fit – Find out more now! 

Why do muesli ready mixes often turn out to be calorie bombs? 

When choosing your organic muesli-ready mix, you should pay particular attention to the list of ingredients. There are very good organic muesli products, while others can contain an unnecessarily large amount of fat and sugar. 


The advantages and disadvantages of an increased amount of sugar: You get energy quickly and are active. However, after a short time, your blood sugar level drops rapidly again and you fall into a hole of listlessness and food cravings. 

Therefore, avoid mueslis that contain additional sugar! 

This is where the sugar hides in organic muesli 

For a healthy breakfast, you should definitely know what names sugar in organic muesli can hide behind. Because barley malt extract, maltodextrin, dextrose, fructose, glucose (syrup) and sucrose are also a form of sugar and can cause confusion when shopping for muesli. 

If the ready mix contains chocolate pieces, sprinkles, nougat flakes, or crunchy flakes, you should expect to eat unnecessary sugar for breakfast. If you are really looking for something sweet and crunchy for breakfast, then we recommend our mix fruit muesli! 

Beware of “sugar-free” in muesli 

And even if a muesli package says sugar-free, the fructose content of the dried fruit can be immensely high. 

For example, raisins contain up to four times more sugar than fresh grapes. Therefore, before each muesli purchase, check exactly which ingredients are in your ready-to-eat muesli and thereby avoid unwanted calorie bombs. 

Gluten-free Muesli from 8am fit- Find out more now! 

Can organic muesli help you lose weight? 

If you want to lose a few kilos, even with a healthy diet with organic muesli, it always depends on the amounts you eat. At the same time, you should always keep your activity level high. 

If you have your meals under control and do regular (endurance) sport, muesli in the morning can definitely help you lose some weight. 

But beware: generally, only buy muesli without added sugar and with as little dried fruit as possible to avoid unnecessary calories. If you want to be on the safe side, there are two simple solutions: make your own muesli. Because then you have control over how healthy and tasty it is and you can try different ingredients depending on your mood. 

Or you can buy the Gluten-free muesli at Simply put it in the shopping cart and order online!

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